TIP #1 Take the 52 Week Savings Challenge
Saving money can be easy and more affordable than you think. Here is a simple way to save small amounts of money that add up to $1,378 dollars at the end of the year! If you and your spouse both do the challenge then you have saved $2,756 at the end of the year!
TIP #2 Set Budget and Fianancial Goals in MyFinance Budget Tool
We also recommend developing a budget and goals each year. We have a free easy to use budget and financial management tool available in your Online Banking. It's the tab that says MyFinance. It may take you 30 minutes to set up your budget but it's well worth the time you invest in doing it.
TIP #3 Automatically Transfer Money To Your Savings
Set up automatic transfer of funds into your savings account or EASYFlex CD ...