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Ways to Save on Groceries

Ways to Save on Groceries

No matter how you approach grocery shopping, one loves it while another dislikes it! One thing is constant – it is easy to spend hard-earned money. Have you ever considered how much money is wasted at the grocery store every year because of impulse buying? You know, picking out weird things you think you MUST have. Here are some ways to fight the impulse and save cash.


  1. Shop only once a week. Fewer trips may mean less temptation.
  2. Shop alone. Research shows that you wind up buying 8% more unneeded items when you take someone with you.
  3. Shop with a list and stick with it. Only walk down the aisles stocked with the items on your list. Studies show that wandering up and down unnecessary aisles can increase your spending by 18%.
  4. Consider purchasing fruits and vegetables at a farmer’s market where prices are usually lower than at a grocery store.
  5. Use one of those small shopping carts. It’s too easy to load up a large cart.
  6. Lastly, try loyalty programs, a grocery reward card, or clipping coupons. Every bit can help.


While these tips take effort, hopefully, they are ways to help you fight temptation and win! If these tips have been helpful, please share them with your friends so they can be as smart about their money, too.

If you find yourself in need of a banking account that can help you get back on your financial feet, check out our Check ’N Save Program®. This great tool offers an Easy Checking account, savings account, and Check ‘N Save CD, all designed to help you get ahead and strengthen your financial future.

First Reliance Bank. Banking As Unique As You Are™


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